What is going on in cities around the world recently?

Heads up, as we brought you always at least 3 positive news on what is going on in the cities worldwide.

House price declines - there is a possibility of housing prices decline in those US cities. An article from CNBC. Meanwhile in Australia some analysts say plummet while Citi sees a recovery next year (mmm... Citi has been wrong before)

The Accessible Transport for Berlin Challenge took place in Betahaus Berlin! Start-ups tried to innovative approaches city’s traffic. More here on the Betahaus website.

Marrakesh is trying a new app to improve the cleanliness of the city – Morocco World News

Definitely worth observing closer!

A couple of remarks on how to innovate a city. Brought to you by Smart Cities World.

But you know this, right?

Springfield News-Sun jhad a recent a new list of top cities for living in the U.S. – Bet you won’t guess number 1. (Not sure entirely about method hee)

Great news as Seattle and its start-up scene teams together to fight poverty. - My Northwest

In Espanol - Londres es la ciudad más inteligente según el índice IESE y Madrid y Barcelona siguen entre las 30 primeras

Comparison between Barcelona and Madrid ranking in the Innovation Cities Index (by publisherof this, 2THINKNOW) our Advanced Tech Cities Index and IESE Cities In Motion - Measuring 'Smart' (which we also contributed to data for a few years)

Even with some shared data different views... We think innovation matters more than 'smart' or pure play tech.

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